About Us

KOINONIA — Church of Home Churches

Who we are

KOINONIA — church of home churches.
We do not believe in the traditional view of "Sunday" church. We believe that in the format of "Sunday service only" it is practically impossible to grow spiritually. Church is not only what happens on Sunday morning, Church is us, daily, wherever we are.

Christ died for the sake of such a church. This is the bride He loves, the church He will come back for. We want to be such a church.

Our goal is the fulfillment of the Great Commission — to make disciples of Christ. In order to achieve this we must be disciples ourselves. This is only possible when one has a deep relationship with God and brothers and sisters in Christ. Such a relationship is built in home churches rather than during a Sunday service.

This is why KOINONIA is a church of home churches.

Statement of Faith

  • The Bible

    We believe that the Holy Scriptures, the 66 books of Old and New Testaments, are the inspired word of God and the sole authority of Christian theology and practice. Therefore, we contend that any doctrine held which contradicts any part of the Bible, is a false doctrine and must be rejected.

    (2nd Timothy 3:16-17, 1st Corinthians 14:37, 2nd Peter 3:16)

  • The Triune God

    We believe in one true God, eternally existing in three persons, individual and indivisible, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the Creator of all things, infinite in holiness, knowledge, power, love and grace.

    (Matthew 28:19, 2nd Corinthians 13:14, 1st Peter 1:2, Jude 1:20-21, Deuteronomy 6:4)

  • Jesus Christ

    We believe that Jesus Christ is God incarnate, the Word (Logos) through whom all things were created. We believe that the Word became flesh, born of the virgin Mary who conceived through the Holy Spirit and that He is, therefore, fully God and fully man. Although He was 'made in every way as we are', He lived a sinless life, offered Himself as an atoning sacrifice and substitute, taking our sins upon Himself, being crucified under Pontius Pilate. On the third day He rose bodily from death, ascended into heaven where He sits at the right hand of the Father with all power and authority and as our High Priest and advocate, the Head of the Church. We believe that He will return in glory to judge the living and the dead.

    (John 1:1,14, Colossians 1:15,16, Matthew 1:18, Hebrews 2:14,17, Acts 3:13-15, 1st John 2:1-2) 

  • Holy Spirit

    We believe that the Holy Spirit glorifies Jesus Christ in all that He does, that He does not seek glory for Himself, that He proceeded from the Father and Son, convicts the world of sin and righteousness, leads men and women to the cross of Christ, regenerates those who sincerely respond to the gospel, comforts, empowers, transforms, sanctifies and leads the saints in all areas of discipleship and service to Christ, and that all believers are commanded to be continually filled with the Spirit

    (John 16: 5-15, John 15:26, 1st John 2: 20, 27, Galatians 5:22-25, Ephesians 5:18)

  • The Fall

    We believe that human beings are created in the image of God. Adam and Eve disobeyed God's command, choosing self rule over obedience to His will, and consequently brought sin and death into the world, subjecting all generations to death and decay. All are born with this inclination to self rule, whereby, consequently 'all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God', all except Jesus Christ who, although 'tempted in all things as we are', lived His entire life in perfect harmony with the Father's will.

    (Genesis 1:27, 3:1-24, Romans 5:12, 15, 17, 3:23, Hebrews 4:15, 5:7) 

  • Salvation

    We believe that salvation is solely the work of God, by the grace of God, yet individuals must freely respond to God's command to repent and be saved. God's grace extends to all, in that He does not pour out His wrath upon sinners in this life, but calls them to seek and repent. God calls all people everywhere to be saved, revealing Himself in various ways to all so that 'men are without excuse', and that all who obey His command to diligently seek will find Him, as the Holy Spirit leads and 'convicts of sin and righteousness'. In this way, God's grace leads a person to repentance as an individual responds to revelation whilst being led by the Spirit to salvation. We believe that salvation commands an individual to submit their self rule to the will of God, turning away from sin (repentance), counting the cost of becoming a disciple, and receiving Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. This decision is in response to God's command and brings about a death to self, whereby the individual is 'crucified with Christ', united with Christ in His death and resurrection, filled and sealed by the Holy Spirit, and has become a child of God and co-heir with Christ solely through the grace of God. 
    (Ephesians 2:9, Acts 17:30, Romans 1: 18-20, Hebrews 11:6, John 16:8, Mark 8: 34-36, Luke 14:25-33, Colossians 2:6, Galatians 2:20, Romans 6:5-8, Ephesians 1: 13-14, 1st John 3:1-2, Romans 8:17, 1st Corinthians 12:13, 2nd Peter 1:4)

  • Hell and Immortality

    We believe that God alone is naturally immortal and that immortality is a gift from God to all who are born again. Therefore, we reject the Platonic view that the human soul cannot be destroyed, and embrace Jesus' warning that both body and soul can be destroyed in Gehenna (hell). Jesus spoke of both Hades and Gehenna, the former as a place of suffering and the latter a place of absolute destruction. In the many verses Jesus spoke about Gehenna, He used the Greek verb 'apollumi' (Strongs 622) which means to utterly destroy, put to an end, perish and cease to exist. Therefore, we conclude that unrepentant souls are sent to Hades where they are suffering outside of time, as we understand it, until the Great Judgment, and at the judgment, both the wicked and righteous will resurrect.

    Hades itself will be destroyed in Gehenna (The Lake of Fire) and those who have been suffering in Hades, now joined to their bodies, will be utterly destroyed in Gehenna, that which is referred to as 'the second death'. We also confirm that both Jesus and Peter used the historical examples of the Great Flood and destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah to describe, as analogies, the fate of the ungodly (Luke 17:26-27, 2nd Peter 2:6). We also reject the idea of an ongoing eternal death, as Scripture teaches that death itself will be destroyed (1st Corinthians 15:26, Revelation 20:14).

    We also confirm that passages such as Revelation 14:9-11 must be read in the context of an apocalyptic vision, rather than literally, otherwise they contradict the plain teaching of Jesus and 2nd Thessalonians 1:8-9.

    (1st Timothy 1:17, 6:16, Romans 1:23, Romans 1:23, 2:7, Matthew 10:28, Matthew 5:29-30, 5:22, 10:28, John 3:16, 10:28, Romans 2:12, 2nd Peter 3:7, Acts 24:15, Revelation 20:13-15)

  • Sanctification

    We believe that sanctification is the ongoing, daily process of being 'set apart' from the world and being made holy by and through the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. Sanctification begins at the moment of our new birth, being justified by faith in Christ's atoning work. We believe that true sanctification is evidence that new birth has occurred, by which the Christian disciple continues to produce the fruits of the Spirit, abiding in Christ and being transformed into the likeness of Christ towards continual spiritual maturity.

    (2nd Thessalonians 2:13, Titus 3:4-7, 2nd Peter 1:3-11, John 17:17-19, Galatians 5:22-25)

  • Church (Body of Christ)

    We believe that the Church is the Body of Christ, of which Jesus Christ is the Head. The Church is made up of all true disciples universally. We believe that all disciples have spiritual gifts assigned by God for service to the Church, and that all members of Christ's Body should exercise such gifts in good works of service to one another in mutual submission and love, both within their local Church and as a witness of the gospel in the world.

    (Ephesians 1:22, Colossians 1:18, 1st Corinthians 12:12-27, Ephesians 4:12, 1st Peter 3:15)

  • Church Structure

    We believe that the New Testament clearly outlines the correct structure of local churches. Local churches must be governed by no less than two elders who must fill the requirements of 1st Timothy 3:1-7, should be respected as overseers and shepherds of the church, and that no single overseer has more authority than any other. We believe that home churches constitute God's plan for the effective spiritual growth of disciples, whereby each member can discover and use their spiritual gifts, encourage, pray for and support other members, developing and demonstrating the love by which we are known as disciples. Home church leaders should also be seen as pastors who are shepherds of their home church, and under the authority and guidance of the elder/overseers. We believe that home churches make up the membership of the local church, which also meets as a collective of home churches, and where possible, all church members should be committed to a home church.

    (1st Timothy 3:1-7, 8-13, Romans 16:5, 1st Corinthians 16:19, Philemon 2, Acts 14:23, 1st Timothy 5:17)

  • Sacraments

    We believe that Jesus Christ instituted the practice of two sacraments, baptism and communion. Communion should be taken as a memorial of Christ's sacrifice for our sins, and only by disciples of Christ who have a good conscience before Him. We believe that Baptism is both a witness and confession that a person has experienced new birth and is committed to living as a disciple of Jesus Christ. Christian baptism, by immersion in water, is a symbol of, and public identification with Jesus Christ in His death, burial and resurrection to newness of life that happens when we become a new creation in Christ and are committed to Christian discipleship. Although baptism is not required for salvation, it is commanded of all believers and is for believers only. Therefore, because discipleship demands an individual's sole commitment to Christ as Lord, we reject infant baptism as false, and recommend baptism only for those who have reached an age and level of maturity, independence, and evidence of new birth. We also believe that the dependent children of Christian disciples are sanctified by their parents, commanded to obey their parents, and develop a relationship with God as He leads them towards new birth.

    (Luke 22:19-20, 1st Corinthians 11:24-26, Matthew 28:19-20, 1st Peter 3:21, Mark16:16, Colossians 2:12, 2nd Corinthians 5:17, Romans 6:1-4)

  • Theology

    We believe that practical, biblical theology is the foundation of Christian faith, unity and spiritual maturity. We recognize that early church members 'dedicated themselves to the apostle's teaching'. Therefore, it is the responsibility of elders to teach sound doctrine and ensure that home church pastors dedicate themselves to the same in order to edify, build up, and safeguard members from false doctrines which can destroy unity and true discipleship.

    (Acts 2:42, 2nd Timothy 3:16-17, Titus 2:1, 2nd Timothy 4:3, Colossians 1:28)

  • Christ-centered

    We believe that a disciple's life must be Christ-centered, giving worship and praise to Him through the Holy Spirit to the glory of the Father. The Scriptures declare that the world was made through Him and for Him, that of the Triune God, He alone suffered and died taking the sins of all humanity upon Himself and crying out 'My God, My God, why have you forsaken me', and having lived as one of us He understands our weakness. We believe that we are in Christ, have been raised with Christ, and that whatever we do, 'in word or deed', we 'do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him, abiding and remaining in Him, the foundation on which our salvation is laid.

    (Colossians 1: 15-20, 1st Peter 2:24, Matthew 27:46, Hebrews 4:15, 1st Corinthians 5:17, Colossians 3:1, 17, John 15, 1st Corinthians 3:11)

  • Great Tribulation and Rapture

    We believe that the Great Tribulation is the time of God's wrath before the return of Jesus Christ to judge the world. Therefore, we distinguish between persecution, which comes by the hand of men, and wrath by the hand of God. Throughout history God has always saved the righteous before pouring out His wrath, (Noah and Lot) and Christians will never be subject to His wrath. We believe that Christ will come as a 'thief in the night' to take His bride, the Body of Christ out of the world before His wrath falls on the world, a pre-tribulation rapture, and a final post-tribulation rapture when He returns with the saints and holy angels in glory to Judge the world.

    (Daniel 8:9, 1st Thessalonians 5:9, Matthew 24:36-44, 1st Thessalonians 5:2, Matthew 25:31, 1st Thessalonians 4:16-17, 1st Corinthians 15:51)

Statement of Faith

  • The Bible

    We believe that the Holy Scriptures, the 66 books of Old and New Testaments, are the inspired word of God and the sole authority of Christian theology and practice. Therefore, we contend that any doctrine held which contradicts any part of the Bible, is a false doctrine and must be rejected.

    (2nd Timothy 3:16-17, 1st Corinthians 14:37, 2nd Peter 3:16)

  • The Triune God

    We believe in one true God, eternally existing in three persons, individual and indivisible, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the Creator of all things, infinite in holiness, knowledge, power, love and grace.

    (Matthew 28:19, 2nd Corinthians 13:14, 1st Peter 1:2, Jude 1:20-21, Deuteronomy 6:4)

  • Jesus Christ

    We believe that Jesus Christ is God incarnate, the Word (Logos) through whom all things were created. We believe that the Word became flesh, born of the virgin Mary who conceived through the Holy Spirit and that He is, therefore, fully God and fully man. Although He was 'made in every way as we are', He lived a sinless life, offered Himself as an atoning sacrifice and substitute, taking our sins upon Himself, being crucified under Pontius Pilate. On the third day He rose bodily from death, ascended into heaven where He sits at the right hand of the Father with all power and authority and as our High Priest and advocate, the Head of the Church. We believe that He will return in glory to judge the living and the dead.

    (John 1:1,14, Colossians 1:15,16, Matthew 1:18, Hebrews 2:14,17, Acts 3:13-15, 1st John 2:1-2) 

  • Holy Spirit

    We believe that the Holy Spirit glorifies Jesus Christ in all that He does, that He does not seek glory for Himself, that He proceeded from the Father and Son, convicts the world of sin and righteousness, leads men and women to the cross of Christ, regenerates those who sincerely respond to the gospel, comforts, empowers, transforms, sanctifies and leads the saints in all areas of discipleship and service to Christ, and that all believers are commanded to be continually filled with the Spirit

    (John 16: 5-15, John 15:26, 1st John 2: 20, 27, Galatians 5:22-25, Ephesians 5:18)

  • The Fall

    We believe that human beings are created in the image of God. Adam and Eve disobeyed God's command, choosing self rule over obedience to His will, and consequently brought sin and death into the world, subjecting all generations to death and decay. All are born with this inclination to self rule, whereby, consequently 'all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God', all except Jesus Christ who, although 'tempted in all things as we are', lived His entire life in perfect harmony with the Father's will.

    (Genesis 1:27, 3:1-24, Romans 5:12, 15, 17, 3:23, Hebrews 4:15, 5:7) 

  • Salvation

    We believe that salvation is solely the work of God, by the grace of God, yet individuals must freely respond to God's command to repent and be saved. God's grace extends to all, in that He does not pour out His wrath upon sinners in this life, but calls them to seek and repent. God calls all people everywhere to be saved, revealing Himself in various ways to all so that 'men are without excuse', and that all who obey His command to diligently seek will find Him, as the Holy Spirit leads and 'convicts of sin and righteousness'. In this way, God's grace leads a person to repentance as an individual responds to revelation whilst being led by the Spirit to salvation. We believe that salvation commands an individual to submit their self rule to the will of God, turning away from sin (repentance), counting the cost of becoming a disciple, and receiving Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. This decision is in response to God's command and brings about a death to self, whereby the individual is 'crucified with Christ', united with Christ in His death and resurrection, filled and sealed by the Holy Spirit, and has become a child of God and co-heir with Christ solely through the grace of God. 
    (Ephesians 2:9, Acts 17:30, Romans 1: 18-20, Hebrews 11:6, John 16:8, Mark 8: 34-36, Luke 14:25-33, Colossians 2:6, Galatians 2:20, Romans 6:5-8, Ephesians 1: 13-14, 1st John 3:1-2, Romans 8:17, 1st Corinthians 12:13, 2nd Peter 1:4)

  • Hell and Immortality

    We believe that God alone is naturally immortal and that immortality is a gift from God to all who are born again. Therefore, we reject the Platonic view that the human soul cannot be destroyed, and embrace Jesus' warning that both body and soul can be destroyed in Gehenna (hell). Jesus spoke of both Hades and Gehenna, the former as a place of suffering and the latter a place of absolute destruction. In the many verses Jesus spoke about Gehenna, He used the Greek verb 'apollumi' (Strongs 622) which means to utterly destroy, put to an end, perish and cease to exist. Therefore, we conclude that unrepentant souls are sent to Hades where they are suffering outside of time, as we understand it, until the Great Judgment, and at the judgment, both the wicked and righteous will resurrect.

    Hades itself will be destroyed in Gehenna (The Lake of Fire) and those who have been suffering in Hades, now joined to their bodies, will be utterly destroyed in Gehenna, that which is referred to as 'the second death'. We also confirm that both Jesus and Peter used the historical examples of the Great Flood and destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah to describe, as analogies, the fate of the ungodly (Luke 17:26-27, 2nd Peter 2:6). We also reject the idea of an ongoing eternal death, as Scripture teaches that death itself will be destroyed (1st Corinthians 15:26, Revelation 20:14).

    We also confirm that passages such as Revelation 14:9-11 must be read in the context of an apocalyptic vision, rather than literally, otherwise they contradict the plain teaching of Jesus and 2nd Thessalonians 1:8-9.

    (1st Timothy 1:17, 6:16, Romans 1:23, Romans 1:23, 2:7, Matthew 10:28, Matthew 5:29-30, 5:22, 10:28, John 3:16, 10:28, Romans 2:12, 2nd Peter 3:7, Acts 24:15, Revelation 20:13-15)

  • Sanctification

    We believe that sanctification is the ongoing, daily process of being 'set apart' from the world and being made holy by and through the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. Sanctification begins at the moment of our new birth, being justified by faith in Christ's atoning work. We believe that true sanctification is evidence that new birth has occurred, by which the Christian disciple continues to produce the fruits of the Spirit, abiding in Christ and being transformed into the likeness of Christ towards continual spiritual maturity.

    (2nd Thessalonians 2:13, Titus 3:4-7, 2nd Peter 1:3-11, John 17:17-19, Galatians 5:22-25)

  • Church (Body of Christ)

    We believe that the Church is the Body of Christ, of which Jesus Christ is the Head. The Church is made up of all true disciples universally. We believe that all disciples have spiritual gifts assigned by God for service to the Church, and that all members of Christ's Body should exercise such gifts in good works of service to one another in mutual submission and love, both within their local Church and as a witness of the gospel in the world.

    (Ephesians 1:22, Colossians 1:18, 1st Corinthians 12:12-27, Ephesians 4:12, 1st Peter 3:15)

  • Church Structure

    We believe that the New Testament clearly outlines the correct structure of local churches. Local churches must be governed by no less than two elders who must fill the requirements of 1st Timothy 3:1-7, should be respected as overseers and shepherds of the church, and that no single overseer has more authority than any other. We believe that home churches constitute God's plan for the effective spiritual growth of disciples, whereby each member can discover and use their spiritual gifts, encourage, pray for and support other members, developing and demonstrating the love by which we are known as disciples. Home church leaders should also be seen as pastors who are shepherds of their home church, and under the authority and guidance of the elder/overseers. We believe that home churches make up the membership of the local church, which also meets as a collective of home churches, and where possible, all church members should be committed to a home church.

    (1st Timothy 3:1-7, 8-13, Romans 16:5, 1st Corinthians 16:19, Philemon 2, Acts 14:23, 1st Timothy 5:17)

  • Sacraments

    We believe that Jesus Christ instituted the practice of two sacraments, baptism and communion. Communion should be taken as a memorial of Christ's sacrifice for our sins, and only by disciples of Christ who have a good conscience before Him. We believe that Baptism is both a witness and confession that a person has experienced new birth and is committed to living as a disciple of Jesus Christ. Christian baptism, by immersion in water, is a symbol of, and public identification with Jesus Christ in His death, burial and resurrection to newness of life that happens when we become a new creation in Christ and are committed to Christian discipleship. Although baptism is not required for salvation, it is commanded of all believers and is for believers only. Therefore, because discipleship demands an individual's sole commitment to Christ as Lord, we reject infant baptism as false, and recommend baptism only for those who have reached an age and level of maturity, independence, and evidence of new birth. We also believe that the dependent children of Christian disciples are sanctified by their parents, commanded to obey their parents, and develop a relationship with God as He leads them towards new birth.

    (Luke 22:19-20, 1st Corinthians 11:24-26, Matthew 28:19-20, 1st Peter 3:21, Mark16:16, Colossians 2:12, 2nd Corinthians 5:17, Romans 6:1-4)

  • Theology

    We believe that practical, biblical theology is the foundation of Christian faith, unity and spiritual maturity. We recognize that early church members 'dedicated themselves to the apostle's teaching'. Therefore, it is the responsibility of elders to teach sound doctrine and ensure that home church pastors dedicate themselves to the same in order to edify, build up, and safeguard members from false doctrines which can destroy unity and true discipleship.

    (Acts 2:42, 2nd Timothy 3:16-17, Titus 2:1, 2nd Timothy 4:3, Colossians 1:28)

  • Christ-centered

    We believe that a disciple's life must be Christ-centered, giving worship and praise to Him through the Holy Spirit to the glory of the Father. The Scriptures declare that the world was made through Him and for Him, that of the Triune God, He alone suffered and died taking the sins of all humanity upon Himself and crying out 'My God, My God, why have you forsaken me', and having lived as one of us He understands our weakness. We believe that we are in Christ, have been raised with Christ, and that whatever we do, 'in word or deed', we 'do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him, abiding and remaining in Him, the foundation on which our salvation is laid.

    (Colossians 1: 15-20, 1st Peter 2:24, Matthew 27:46, Hebrews 4:15, 1st Corinthians 5:17, Colossians 3:1, 17, John 15, 1st Corinthians 3:11)

  • Great Tribulation and Rapture

    We believe that the Great Tribulation is the time of God's wrath before the return of Jesus Christ to judge the world. Therefore, we distinguish between persecution, which comes by the hand of men, and wrath by the hand of God. Throughout history God has always saved the righteous before pouring out His wrath, (Noah and Lot) and Christians will never be subject to His wrath. We believe that Christ will come as a 'thief in the night' to take His bride, the Body of Christ out of the world before His wrath falls on the world, a pre-tribulation rapture, and a final post-tribulation rapture when He returns with the saints and holy angels in glory to Judge the world.

    (Daniel 8:9, 1st Thessalonians 5:9, Matthew 24:36-44, 1st Thessalonians 5:2, Matthew 25:31, 1st Thessalonians 4:16-17, 1st Corinthians 15:51)

Other Convictions and Practices

  • Charismatic Movement

    We are a non-charismatic, biblically-based, evangelical fellowship that welcomes all who know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and all who are seeking Him. Those who claim to possess the gift of tongues, and other sign gifts, are welcome to worship and fellowship with us if they are willing to be a source of unity rather than division within our church body. We believe that the Christian life is supernatural and that the Lord continues to perform miracles. We also believe that current displays of the gift of tongues distract from the main task of the local church, which is to glorify God through the fulfillment of the Great Commission.

    (Matthew 28:19-20)

  • Church Planting Philosophy

    The church exists to glorify God through the fulfillment of the Great Commission, and in the spirit of the Great Commandment. The commission is fulfilled as disciples of Jesus Christ are made and grow in their relationship with Him and likeness to Him. God is glorified as we manifest His presence as we do His work. In seeking to act upon the church's purpose, we recognize the extraordinary value in multiplying the reach of His ministry by planting local house churches and by associating with existing, like-minded local churches.

    (Matthew 28:19-20, Matthew 22:37-38, 2nd Timothy 2:2; 1st Corinthians 10:31)

  • Eternal Security of the Believer

    It is God's divine decision to save a person and it is God's kindness, forbearance and patience that lead that person to repentance (Romans 2:4). All glory for the salvation and security of every believer belongs to God alone (Romans 3:21-31; Ephesians 1:7-9; Ephesians 2:8-9, Jude 1:24-25). We believe that everyone who is born again by the Spirit through Jesus Christ is eternally assured of salvation from the moment of conversion. This assurance relies on God's decisive grace rather than on the works of the Christian. Obedience, good works and fruit-bearing do not earn or retain the believer's salvation, but indicate the reality of the person's love of Christ and profession of faith (Romans 2:4).
    (Luke 6:46; John 14:21; James 2:17-18).

    Eternal security in salvation relies on the Lord's guarantee of each believer's adoption as His son or daughter (Galatians 4:4-7), and His seal of the believer by the Holy Spirit (2nd Corinthians 1:21-22; Ephesians 1:13-14), and the conviction that God gives the Holy Spirit to each believer as a down payment toward future bliss in heaven (2nd Corinthians 1:21-22). A person who professes genuine faith in Christ immediately becomes His possession (Luke 23:42-43; Acts 2:40-41; Acts 16: 30-34), and nothing can snatch that person out of His hands (John 10:27-29). Having been bought with the price of Jesus Christ's crucifixion as complete payment for sin, Christians are not their own, they are Christ's possession (1st Corinthians 6:19-20). This assurance is absolutely certain, reserved in heaven, and protected by God's unlimited power (1st Peter 1:4-5). 

  • Women in Ministry

    We affirm the God-ordained and significant role that women should play in establishing and leading the local church. Every leadership opportunity is open to women except those that are excluded by Scripture. The Scriptures clearly state that men are to serve in the offices of Pastor and Elder and that women are not to serve in church positions in which they exercise authority over men or in which they teach doctrine to men (1st Timothy 2:12; 1st Timothy 3:1-2; Titus 1:6-9). We do not see this as an issue of equality, for men and women are equal under God. The Bible is clear that men and women do not have the same roles. Qualified women should serve in any leadership position that is not forbidden in the Scriptures.

  • Mosaic (Old) Covenant and Tithing

    We believe that Christians are not under the Mosaic Covenant of the law, but rather are to be led by the Holy Spirit in all matters of practice and conscience, living in such a way as to glorify Jesus Christ. We also believe that tithing is not a New Testament practice, and that Christians should give generously as the Spirit leads, as their conscience and income dictates, not hoarding wealth, but rather, supporting ministries and those in need as the New Testament instructs.

    (Romans 6:14-15, 7:5-6, Galatians 3:15-4:7, 2nd Corinthians 3: 4-18, 1st Corinthians 9:6-14, 1st Timothy 5:17-18, 1st Timothy 6:17-19, Acts 2:43-47, 4:32-37, 1st Corinthians 16:1-3, 2nd Corinthians 8:1-7)

  • Marriage and Sexuality

    We believe that God ordained the covenant of marriage as exclusively between one genetic male and one genetic female, and that God alone, as Creator, has the authority to define marriage. We believe that the Scriptures clearly define Christian marriage as between two believers, and as a life-time commitment which reflects Christ's love for His Church. We also confirm that the Scriptures consider any sexual relationship outside of marriage as sinful.

    (Genesis 2: 21-24, Matthew 19:4-6, Hebrews 13:4, Ephesians 5:22-33, Romans 1:24-27, 1st Corinthians 7:2, 1st Thessalonians 4:3, 1st Corinthians 6:9-11, 18-20)

  • Alcohol

    We believe that the New Testament contains no prohibition regarding the drinking of alcohol in moderate amounts. Wine (Greek: oinos, glukos) were common drinks in New Testament times, as was water flavored with wine and vinegar. Oinos is translated both as new and mature wine, and is the wine Paul refers to when he writes 'do not be drunk with wine...' (Ephesians 5:18). It is also clear that Jesus made alcoholic wine (John 2), and that Christians were becoming drunk on wine during the communion recorded in 1st Corinthians 11:21-22. Grape juice was also used, but only for a few weeks of the year when grapes were ripe, as there was no way to keep juice fresh.

    We also believe that, although Paul writes that 'everything is permissible' (1Corinthians 10:23), he states that 'whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it for the glory of God' (10:31). In this context Paul warns Christians about doing anything which could cause a fellow Christian to stumble. Therefore, we believe that every Christian has an obligation to use wisdom and moderation in the use of alcohol, and never tempt those whose conscience denies them alcohol, or use alcohol in such a way as to bring dishonor to Christ or their testimony as a Christian.

  • Theological Extremes

    We believe that the following three extremes are unbiblical and contain both false and dangerous teachings.

    1. New Apostolic Reformation (NAR).
    2. The Prosperity Gospel.
    3. Generational Curses on Christians.

Other Convictions and Practices

  • Charismatic Movement

    We are a non-charismatic, biblically-based, evangelical fellowship that welcomes all who know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and all who are seeking Him. Those who claim to possess the gift of tongues, and other sign gifts, are welcome to worship and fellowship with us if they are willing to be a source of unity rather than division within our church body. We believe that the Christian life is supernatural and that the Lord continues to perform miracles. We also believe that current displays of the gift of tongues distract from the main task of the local church, which is to glorify God through the fulfillment of the Great Commission.

    (Matthew 28:19-20)

  • Church Planting Philosophy

    The church exists to glorify God through the fulfillment of the Great Commission, and in the spirit of the Great Commandment. The commission is fulfilled as disciples of Jesus Christ are made and grow in their relationship with Him and likeness to Him. God is glorified as we manifest His presence as we do His work. In seeking to act upon the church's purpose, we recognize the extraordinary value in multiplying the reach of His ministry by planting local house churches and by associating with existing, like-minded local churches.

    (Matthew 28:19-20, Matthew 22:37-38, 2nd Timothy 2:2; 1st Corinthians 10:31)

  • Eternal Security of the Believer

    It is God's divine decision to save a person and it is God's kindness, forbearance and patience that lead that person to repentance (Romans 2:4). All glory for the salvation and security of every believer belongs to God alone (Romans 3:21-31; Ephesians 1:7-9; Ephesians 2:8-9, Jude 1:24-25). We believe that everyone who is born again by the Spirit through Jesus Christ is eternally assured of salvation from the moment of conversion. This assurance relies on God's decisive grace rather than on the works of the Christian. Obedience, good works and fruit-bearing do not earn or retain the believer's salvation, but indicate the reality of the person's love of Christ and profession of faith (Romans 2:4).
    (Luke 6:46; John 14:21; James 2:17-18).

    Eternal security in salvation relies on the Lord's guarantee of each believer's adoption as His son or daughter (Galatians 4:4-7), and His seal of the believer by the Holy Spirit (2nd Corinthians 1:21-22; Ephesians 1:13-14), and the conviction that God gives the Holy Spirit to each believer as a down payment toward future bliss in heaven (2nd Corinthians 1:21-22). A person who professes genuine faith in Christ immediately becomes His possession (Luke 23:42-43; Acts 2:40-41; Acts 16: 30-34), and nothing can snatch that person out of His hands (John 10:27-29). Having been bought with the price of Jesus Christ's crucifixion as complete payment for sin, Christians are not their own, they are Christ's possession (1st Corinthians 6:19-20). This assurance is absolutely certain, reserved in heaven, and protected by God's unlimited power (1st Peter 1:4-5). 

  • Women in Ministry

    We affirm the God-ordained and significant role that women should play in establishing and leading the local church. Every leadership opportunity is open to women except those that are excluded by Scripture. The Scriptures clearly state that men are to serve in the offices of Pastor and Elder and that women are not to serve in church positions in which they exercise authority over men or in which they teach doctrine to men (1st Timothy 2:12; 1st Timothy 3:1-2; Titus 1:6-9). We do not see this as an issue of equality, for men and women are equal under God. The Bible is clear that men and women do not have the same roles. Qualified women should serve in any leadership position that is not forbidden in the Scriptures.

  • Mosaic (Old) Covenant and Tithing

    We believe that Christians are not under the Mosaic Covenant of the law, but rather are to be led by the Holy Spirit in all matters of practice and conscience, living in such a way as to glorify Jesus Christ. We also believe that tithing is not a New Testament practice, and that Christians should give generously as the Spirit leads, as their conscience and income dictates, not hoarding wealth, but rather, supporting ministries and those in need as the New Testament instructs.

    (Romans 6:14-15, 7:5-6, Galatians 3:15-4:7, 2nd Corinthians 3: 4-18, 1st Corinthians 9:6-14, 1st Timothy 5:17-18, 1st Timothy 6:17-19, Acts 2:43-47, 4:32-37, 1st Corinthians 16:1-3, 2nd Corinthians 8:1-7)

  • Marriage and Sexuality

    We believe that God ordained the covenant of marriage as exclusively between one genetic male and one genetic female, and that God alone, as Creator, has the authority to define marriage. We believe that the Scriptures clearly define Christian marriage as between two believers, and as a life-time commitment which reflects Christ's love for His Church. We also confirm that the Scriptures consider any sexual relationship outside of marriage as sinful.

    (Genesis 2: 21-24, Matthew 19:4-6, Hebrews 13:4, Ephesians 5:22-33, Romans 1:24-27, 1st Corinthians 7:2, 1st Thessalonians 4:3, 1st Corinthians 6:9-11, 18-20)

  • Alcohol

    We believe that the New Testament contains no prohibition regarding the drinking of alcohol in moderate amounts. Wine (Greek: oinos, glukos) were common drinks in New Testament times, as was water flavored with wine and vinegar. Oinos is translated both as new and mature wine, and is the wine Paul refers to when he writes 'do not be drunk with wine...' (Ephesians 5:18). It is also clear that Jesus made alcoholic wine (John 2), and that Christians were becoming drunk on wine during the communion recorded in 1st Corinthians 11:21-22. Grape juice was also used, but only for a few weeks of the year when grapes were ripe, as there was no way to keep juice fresh.

    We also believe that, although Paul writes that 'everything is permissible' (1Corinthians 10:23), he states that 'whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it for the glory of God' (10:31). In this context Paul warns Christians about doing anything which could cause a fellow Christian to stumble. Therefore, we believe that every Christian has an obligation to use wisdom and moderation in the use of alcohol, and never tempt those whose conscience denies them alcohol, or use alcohol in such a way as to bring dishonor to Christ or their testimony as a Christian.

  • Theological Extremes

    We believe that the following three extremes are unbiblical and contain both false and dangerous teachings.

    1. New Apostolic Reformation (NAR).
    2. The Prosperity Gospel.
    3. Generational Curses on Christians.



Steve Copland


Igor Prus


Oleg Magdych


Sasha Taran


Oleksandr Koval